Museum Le Mayeur - Sanur

Jalan Hang Tuah - Sanur, Denpasar - Bali

Adrien-Jean Le Mayeurde Merpres (February 9, 1880 – May 31, 1958) was a Belgian painter from Brussels. He came to Bali at Singaraja by boat in 1932. He then stayed in Denpasar.

Le Mayeur rented a house in banjar Kelandis, Denpasar, where he got acquainted with 15-year-old legong dancer, Ni Nyoman Pollok, who later on became Le Mayeur's model for his paintings.

A number of Le Mayeur's Bali works using Ni Pollok as model were exhibited in Singapore for the first time in 1933, which turned to be a very successful exhibition and made him more widely known. Returning from Singapore, Le Mayeur bought a piece of land at Sanur beach and built a house. At this house, which was also Le Mayeur's studio, Ni Pollok with her two friends worked every day as models. The beauty and splendid figure of Ni Pollok had made Le Mayeur enjoy his stay in Bali. At first he intended to stay only for 8 months, but later on he decided to stay in the island for the rest of his life.

After three years working together, in 1935, Le Mayeur and Pollok got married. As long as their marriage life, Le Mayeur kept on painting with his wife as his model.

In 1956, Bahder Djohan, the Indonesian Minister for Education and Culture visited Le Mayeur and Ni Pollok at their house. He was so impressed with the painter's work and therefore proposed to the couple that their house and all its contents should be preserved as a museum. Le Mayeur agreed to the idea and since then he worked harder to add more collections to the house and to increase the quality of his works as well.

At last, Le Mayeur's dream came true that on 28 August 1957 a Deed of Conveyance Number 37 was signed, stating that Le Mayeur had conveyed all his possessions including the land, his house with all its contents to Ni Pollok as a gift. And at the same moment, Ni Pollok then conveyed what she had inherited from her husband to the Government of Indonesia to be used as a museum.

In 1958 Le Mayeur was suffered from a severe ear cancer, and accompanied by Ni Pollok he returned to Belgium to have a medical treatment. After two months in Belgium, on May 31, 1958 the 78-year old painter died and was buried in Ixelles, Brussel. Ni Pollok then returned home to take care of her house which had become a museum until her death on July 18, 1985 in the age of 68.


Anonim mengatakan…
I had been at Bali 2-3 times but never visited this museum but i will definitely check it out next time I visit that place.
bali villa accommodation

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